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Everything you need to know about food and wine pairing.

Some weird but wonderful matches included as well as traditional ones.

Have you found yourself in the comfort of your home, with a great bottle of wine and nothing to pair it with in the house? You jump on to Google, and all articles just won’t tell you how to pair this great bottle of wine you are yearning to drink with any local cuisine? Well it has happened to the best of us. We all want to know how we can drink wine with rice and beans (RnBs), chapati and ndengu, ugali and a wet fry, matumbo, or even sukuma wiki. Today we solve this mystery for you.

We will simply tell you the best way to pair some of the most popular Kenyan foods with wine.

Chocolate cake

We know most of you have a sweet tooth. You can be able to enjoy that chocolate cake or chocolate bar with wine. You need to be careful though when choosing which bottle to enjoy it with. It needs to be a sweet wine for starters. A Port is sure to excite your taste buds with this kind of pairing.


When you get home tired and need to whip up something quickly. Pasta is one of these dishes. Put it on the fire and it is ready almost immediately. This is light food, so a light wine is what you need to hack this. We recommend a Sauvignon Blanc or a Pinot Grigio with this one.

Githeri and Avocado

Githeri will pair very well with a young bottle of Rosé. This delicacy could not afford to miss the list. Next time you want to have some githeri, remember a well-chilled Rosé will do the trick for you.

Nyama Choma & Ugali

This has very quickly become a weekend meal. This is what we enjoy when we go into our local joint over the weekend. A more full-bodied wine will do the trick here. Go for a Shiraz or a Malbec for this one.


A Sauvignon blanc will pair well with matumbo, depending on how you cook it. Matumbo is greasy and you need something with acidity. A Bordeaux blend would also be appropriate for tripe as it has the tannin and enough acidity to blend with the food. Let us move on now that you know Matumbo’s English name.

Mukimo and Beef

Mukimo is very quickly becoming a party favorite as well. You will find it even in Buffets now. You will need a red wine for this one. A pinotage that will give those spicy flavors and sweet fruit flavors.

We have a wide range of local cuisine. We cannot cover everything in one article, so let us know what food you need help pairing. We will be here, ready to help as usual. You can also have a look at what our sommelier has to say about foods of Kenya and wine.

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Victoria Munywoki.

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